We start off the beginning of this month with a New Moon in Libra. New Moons are beginning cycles that ask us to go inward and set an intention for the month. Libra represents our relationships with others, be they partners, friends, or family. With Mars in Cancer, the focus is going to be on those you are emotionally closest to and depend on as much as they depend on you. 

       The middle of the month has a challenging energy as Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus. One example of this, unresolved tensions in relationships may cause sudden separations as one may want to be free. The other is, a new sudden new relationship may appear testing your loyalty to the person you are with. If you are not committed to anyone, this is a great time to meet new people. 

       The Full Moon in Aries will occur on the 17th. Full Moons usually mean a culmination of events and creates an opposition energy, meaning me vs you. Aries and Libra are war energies and can create great conflict. The goal is to understand each other’s perspective so a compromise can be reached. Otherwise someone wins, meaning the other will lose, and nobody wants to lose. 

       As great conflict has been ongoing with the war energy that continues and the sudden disruption of disastrous and destructive weather, a favorable aspect between Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces asks us to focus on helping those who have been displaced, and to find our humanity at this time.