As I write this forecast on the first day of the month, my first observation was to see a very nice aspect between Pluto and Mars in Taurus. Since Taurus can represent money, I checked out the stock market. The Dow is up over 600points. This week is also the process of releasing financial need to millions of Americans. After the 4th, Mars enters Gemini, so news of its success will probably be determined.

       The middle of the month gives us a beautiful combination of planets and lights in Pisces, becoming exact on the New Moon on the 13th. The planets involved are Venus and Neptune. This can be idealized romance and what feels like a soul connection with someone. It can also set you up for being deceived by someone too, so don’t rush into anything impulsively. This is also a great time to take on a creative task, as artistic ability is heightened.

       We will begin to pick up speed on progress moving forward in many areas, especially with the elimination of the virus. Jupiter and Mercury will come together the first two weeks in Aquarius. More and more information increases rapidly regarding innovation and discoveries.

       The Sun enters Aries on the 20th and Venus joins it the next day. This combination combines the energy of self with the energy of others. This would be a great time this month to start mending the divisions we have been experiencing and see where we can compromise our differences. This can be helped along with Saturn making a favorable aspect to Mars in Gemini. This combination allows for reasonable thought rather than emotional resistance.