This month everything starts moving forward and faster. You may feel anxious through this energy as the first few days have Mars joining the Moon in Aries. Watch out for temper flares from you or others. Don’t drive angry and avoid road rage.

       We have a lot of energy moving into Gemini with the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter all in this air and communication sign. There will be some favorable aspects to Pluto in the air sign of Aquarius. Science, technology, and progressive movements take center stage. Great time to think outside of the box and try something new. Travel and vacation plans will move forward and probably people will try different places to go that they have never been to.

       Mars leaves Aries on the 9th and moves into Taurus calming the fire that has been raging for quite a while now. It does make a hard aspect to Pluto though, so this fixed energy creates stubborn resistance to change. If you are feeling like making changes but your partner is not, you will have to learn to compromise. Also, family issues take center stage when the Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th.