August 4th gives us a New Moon in Leo. New Moons are when the Sun and Moon come together in the same sign. With the Sun being the ruler of Leo, it has more significance than the Moon. Leo likes to direct their life and everyone in it according to their vision. It is a very subjective energy. You might feel more creative and outgoing this month taking on projects.

       Also on the 4th, Mercury goes retrograde until the 28th of this month. You might feel others are blocking your energy and keeping you from doing what you want to do. It would be better to work on projects solo rather than with others. On top of that, on the 14th through 19th, Venus opposes Saturn and Mars makes a challenging aspect to them both. You will find tension in relationships and the pressure of responsibilities. 

       On the 18th and 19th the Moon in Aquarius joins up with powerful Pluto and then goes into opposition with the Sun in Leo. This is the most significant time of the month which can create a lot of tension from the power of your will against another’s will. The 19th is the beginning of the Democratic Convention. We may see another repeat of disruption that was similar to the one in Chicago in 1968. 

        We will see more legal issues crop up this month with Jupiter and Saturn making a challenging aspect. Mercury goes direct in Leo on the 28th so we begin to move forward toward the light again.