We start of this month with fiery Mars in Aries making a hard aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. The fourth of July should be extra explosive due to the nature of that combination. Putting those two together creates a constructive or destructive outcome. Avoid conflicts at all costs. We bring families together at this time, so try not to stir up opposition, it will not go well.
On the 5th, Mars will leave Aries and move into Taurus. Our action and energy moves toward what we value most and our survival instincts. This will obviously concern money matters. Because finances are limited right now, focus on just the basic practical needs of you and your family. Because Mercury also changes signs on the 5th and moves into security conscious Cancer, we add even more reason to be cautious.
Caution and restraint become more evident with the Full Moon on the 13th. With Mercury next to the Sun opposing the Moon next to Pluto, the focus again goes to family arguments. Family almost always represents the past and familiar, but the winds of change is asking us to question our old traditions. The energy of the new wants to move on from the past.
As for the big picture, Saturn and Uranus in a hard aspect still and through the rest of this year, social unrest and disruption continue. The energy is forcing us to move forward for change, but change is always dealt with fear and resistance. The pressure is very high. This pressure becomes even more intense when Mars hooks up with Uranus around the last week of July. The peak of this pressure hits on the 28th with the New Moon in Leo.