The most active months of this year are probably April and November. On April 2 Mercury goes retrograde in Aries from the 2nd to the 25th. Also on the 5th, Venus moves into Aries. This energy can be the beginning of new relationships. It can also create conflict in existing ones. 

       There will be a New Moon in Aries on the 8th. New Moons represent new beginnings. This is also an Eclipse which represents major events. This could be the start or escalation of the social, political, and religious wars around the world. Since Mercury is retrograde, there will be many verbal disagreements and battles. Trying to convert someone to your point of view could be met with great resistance. It will only make matters worse. Also, Mars will join with Saturn in Pisces. This is like driving a car with the brakes on. It creates tremendous tension and fear. 

        On April 20th Jupiter joins with Uranus in Taurus. History between these two planets in that sign have given us social and political revolutions in the past from wars. Along with it, tremendous breakthroughs of innovation in science, medicine, and technology. Examples of this are the French Revolution, World War 2, and the social revolution of the 60’s and space travel. 

       There will be a Full Moon in Taurus and Scorpio on the 25th. Full Moons represent a culmination of energy. Control issues in relationships can occur, especially with Pluto making a hard aspect. This can determine the beginning of sealing the deal in relationships through marriage, or the beginning of the end of one as in divorce.