Now that Mars is out of its retrograde and moving forward, we can finally start to accomplish some things. This month Mars in Cancer makes a very favorable aspect to Saturn in Pisces. Working diligently on projects is the focus. Organizing your home or office and purging items you no longer need would be an excellent use of this energy. It’s time to do some Spring cleaning.It is also a good time to work on money matters.

       The first week has Mercury and Venus joined together in Aries. What a great opportunity to talk about your issues in relationships. If things have been rough, make plans to see a counselor. If you are dating, this is a good time to talk about what you are looking for in a relationship. If you are ready to propose, go for it!

       On the 14th the Moon in Virgo is in opposition to the Sun in Pisces. Full Moons are an opportunity to bring opposing energies together. The Moon in Virgo grounds the wanderlust of the Sun in Pisces. Bring your energy of intentions and desires into a ritual of spirit and form, such as meditation, yoga, or any healing energy practice. 

       On the 20th the Sun enters fiery Aries and hooks up with Mercury and Venus. A lot of new starts in our lives begin. Taking risks is normally scary, but not with this combination. Aries asks us to just do it and take the leap of faith, especially if it is coming from your soul desires. Only we can decide our paths that move us forward.