October Forecast 2017


       The Full Moon in Aries on October 5th forces us to look at our relationships to see if we have a balance between our individuality and commitments to others. Mars and Venus will be joined together in the service sign of Virgo making a challenging aspect to Saturn. Working on our relationships is the key to understanding the energy of this month.

       Jupiter will leave the sign of Libra and enter Scorpio on the 10th and will travel approximately for a year through this sign. Scorpio represents shared resources, so it’s interesting that the new tax plan will be revealed and debated at this time. Wall Street might go on a wild ride of ups and downs during the debate on what will end up going through.

       Due to Mars being square Saturn this month, we will feel as though we are ramming against a wall. This is especially difficult for those who don’t like obstacles put in their path. The best way to get through this is to tackle the things we can control and let go of the things we can’t.

       The New Moon on the 19th (my birthday), will be in opposition to rebellious Uranus. All the Libras out there should do something they have never done before by themselves. By the 23rd, the Sun moves into Scorpio and Mars goes into Libra. It’s back to working on our relationships.