A professional Astrologer for 33 years, I specialize in a psychological and spiritual approach to my horoscope analysis. I use the symbolic language of Astrology as a key to unlock an amazing intuitive ability which I possess. I have helped over a thousand clients from all walks of life increase awareness, improve relationships, create self-empowerment, and uncover hidden talents and potential.
My educational background consists of collegiate studies in Clinical Psychology, Parapsychology, Human Services, and personal counseling. I have studied over the years with some of the most renowned Astrologers from around the world, but maintain a unique style of my own.
As a public personality in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area, I have been interviewed on local radio and television and in many magazine articles. With a background in public speaking and stand up comedy, I also do many speaking engagements on subjects such as: The Signs and Their Archtypes, The Relationship Between His Sign and Her Sign, and The Evolution of Society, from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.