It is not surprising that the United States Supreme Court is the center of our attention starting off this month. The Sun and Mercury together in Sagittarius rules judicial issues and on the 3rd, there will be a new Moon with a total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Mars in Scorpio making a hard aspect to the ruling plant of Sagittarius, Jupiter, only exasperates the challenges set before us.
On December 10th, Venus in Capricorn comes together with Pluto, challenging the old laws versus the new laws. This is also a time when relationships in our lives that have struggled will be challenged the most. Many long term relationships could easily end, making way for new ones to begin.
Since Mars will move into Sagittarius on the 13th, we begin a direction moving forward and onward. This represents a signature of hope and expansion towards progress and innovation for the new year coming. With the visionary plant Neptune in its own sign of Pisces coming out of retrograde and moving forward, that vision should be getting clearer.
On Christmas day, we find the Moon making a favorable aspect to the rebellious planet Uranus, which could disrupt family traditions this year. Yet with the Moon opposing Neptune, expect feelings to be hurt and being manipulated with guilt. Be clear about your intentions and steer clear of misunderstandings.